Choosing to Challenge

Lots of us understand the theory and intentions behind unconscious bias and EDI training – but many more of us struggle to turn those insights into action when faced with conflict. We’re afraid of ‘doing it wrong’, or ‘making a scene’. But letting problematic behaviour go unchallenged may also not quite sit right with us either. So, what then?

This is where Choosing to Challenge comes in. A pragmatic, interactive style of training, it focuses purely on giving you the tools to engage in a difficult conversation and work towards an effective outcome

So if you’re tired of overhearing sexist, racist, ageist or other controversial language, opinions and ‘banter’, it’s time to take action.

Whether it’s in the workplace, or even within your family, I can help you navigate those uncomfortable conversations and avoid those 2am moments where you reflect on the things you wish you’d said.

“Thank you for the masterclass on facilitating a challenging situation. Really appreciated it and I am in awe of the way you did it.”

Why you might want help challenging:

  • You want to open a challenging conversation with confidence

  • You want help keeping the conflict constructive, with de-escalation strategies

  • You want to apply learnings from previous training in ‘the real world’

  • You want your team to have confidence calling out, or calling in, inappropriate behaviour to protect your culture

How Choosing to Challenge works

If you’d like general advice and consultancy on challenging people, I can deliver a top-level session to you and/or your team. On the other hand, if you have a specific concern or situation you’d like to challenge, I can also offer a totally bespoke service.

When you get in touch with me, we’ll set up a call to chat through your requirements, the person/situation you’re struggling with and how I can help.

This service is relevant for teams, leaders and individuals – just let me know when you get int ouch.

Get in touch

Interested in my Choosing to Challenge service? Let’s catch up – send me a message.