Leadership assessment

Do you know how you’re perceived? What about your reputation as a leader, founder or entrepreneur? Whether you’re new to leadership or long in the tooth, an assessment offers a valuable learning opportunity.

How the assessment works

First, I’ll learn a little more about you and your role or business in a discovery session. Doing so means I can understand your motivations, what leadership looks and feels like for you at the moment, and answer any initial questions you may have.

Then, it’s time for the test! You do this in your own time, so I won’t be interrogating you. However, this is a deeply reflective exercise, so I’d encourage you to find a quiet moment in your day to give your most truthful responses.

I’ll then analyse your answers and set up a feedback session with you. This might be ‘the test that makes grown men cry’, but I have no intention of making you feel bad! I’ve undergone the test myself and found it to be incredibly enlightening and helpful in deepening my sense of self. I’m keen to do the same for you. 

“Nearly two-thirds of the people currently in leadership positions will fail. The most common reason for failure will be their inability to build and maintain a team. Their inability to build a team is typically rooted in dysfunctional interpersonal tendencies that can be identified through Hogan’s leadership assessments.”

- Hogan

Whether you’re new to leadership or long in the tooth, a leadership assessment offers a valuable learning opportunity. Developed by Hogan, an internationally recognised creator of personality assessments, this framework enables you to learn how others perceive your leadership style so you can lean into your strengths and mitigate your weaknesses. 

As a certified Hogan practitioner, I’ll walk you through the process, analyse your test results and deliver your feedback in a sensitive, meaningful way that helps you lead your team with confidence.  

Benefits of doing a Hogan leadership assessment with me:

Uncover your bright side
These are the things that make you brilliant – how can you leverage them?

Discover your dark side
What do you look like on a bad day – how might these attributes inadvertently derail your success? 

Expertly interpreted results
I’ll interpret your test answers and we’ll discuss what resonates for you, so you leave with a deeper understanding of your leadership qualities.

Get in touch

Interested in uncovering your true potential as a leader? I’d love to help – send me a message today.