Facilitation & Research

If you’re looking to answer questions like ‘How do we improve our fragmented culture?’, ‘How do we solve this difficult personnel issue?’, or ‘How do we get honest feedback on our company direction?’ then facilitation is a great avenue to explore.

Facilitation is also an excellent way to manage a temperature check in topical moments, too. Things like Brexit, #MeToo and Black Lives Matter rightly bring difficult conversations into the spotlight and can bring up uncomfortable feelings for your team. Do you know how your people feel?

Facilitation and problem-solving is one of my favourite parts of my job. I find interpersonal dynamics fascinating, since the nature of people working together can bring about interesting problems – there are no issues that faze me

I’ve helped companies overcome difficult harassment issues, redress the balance on deep divisions between teams, and encouraged progressive dialogue to help them move forward. I can do the same for your business.

“I thought you managed the group really well. I would not have had the patience that you did. There are some definite things we can take from this to move forward.”

Benefits of facilitation:

Your employees will be in good hands. When I facilitate, I introduce some simple ground rules and create a brave space that enables people to really say what they mean. As a result, we can…

  • uncover real feelings and motivations behind actions

  • discover an underlying problem in your business

  • address a specific, known issue 

  • discuss how to move forward, co-exist and interact positively

This can often be a cathartic experience for both leaders and employees. They’ll feel heard and involved, and you’ll know exactly what you’re dealing with. It’s a no-brainer.

How facilitation works

Typically, facilitation takes place via workshops, focus groups, interviews and research. Depending on what you’re after, I can also make recommendations for follow-up actions to really affect change in your business.

My findings can be delivered via a formal report or presentation, or a simple informal conversation – it’s totally up to you.

If you’re not sure exactly what you need, I can make suggestions for how different problems can be solved and work with you to find a solution that works for you.

Get in touch

Interested in facilitation as a service? Great! Let’s see how I can help you.