Unconscious Bias

Unconscious bias training, while similar to Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) training, focuses more on how our judgements of people may affect the way we treat them, and the opportunities they may be afforded.

We all have unconscious biases and associations we make.

We might find people with deep voices more authoritative, or view introverted people as less likely to be good at public speaking. These types of judgements are the result of societal conditioning – but it is possible for us to challenge and thwart those biases to enable greater diversity.

I’ve trained all kinds of businesses in unconscious bias. I’d love to help you do the same.

“I couldn’t have asked for a better training leader honestly, you surpassed our expectations.”

Why do unconscious bias training?

Both informative and pragmatic, with unconscious bias training you’ll…

  • Learn examples of biases and their real-world impact

  • Give your entire team awareness of their own biases

  • Learn how to challenge our biases

  • Identify ways/processes your company could change to protect against bias

How unconscious bias training works

If you’re interested in Unconscious Bias training, I’ll first call you for an initial discovery session to learn more about your business. That enables me to get to know you a little more and make my training as relevant as possible to you and your team.

Depending on how extensive you’d like the training to be, we can also define how many sessions you’d like, and how you want me to lead these sessions – e.g., virtually or in-person.

In any case, whenever I run training, I make sure sessions are interactive and engaging so your team find the material memorable and worthwhile. 

Get in touch

Interested in Unconscious Bias training for your team? I’d love to deliver it – talk to me today about getting started.